By now most firefighters unless they have been living under a rock have at least heard of the hazards of PFAS. PFAS the generic term used to describe a whole host of organic fluorinated chemicals used in industrial chemical cocktails including firefighting foam, waterproofing agents cleansers and detergents.
Hearing and believing seem to be the doom of the human race. What is it about mankind that he has an inherent skeptical gene that seems to be insatiable. Genesis 2:17 …but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
We all know how that ended, Adam the first man didn’t believe God and decided he wanted to make decisions for himself. That brings us to today. Is anything different? For many years now there has been this growing body of evidence that PFAS compounds will kill you.
But you see, PFAS compounds being probably one of the most hazardous classes of chemical compounds ever created by mankind has a dirty little secret it kills you in slow motion. Suicide in Slow Motion. You see the chemicals have an insidious side, they appear on the outset as being very very useful. They do things that other chemicals can’t do. In firefighting foams they don’t break down under extreme heat thus they maintain a strong foam blanket to extinguish the fire. On your turnout gear they don’t wash off so your gear stays water proof for decades.
And that my friends is the dirty little secret, they don’t go away they find their way into your puny little human body, by contact or by inhalation or by ingestion. Oh sure you wear your SCBA you took every precaution to keep them out of your lungs. But you wear your Turnouts to every fire, you put out every suspected hydrocarbon fire with a fluorinated foam just to be safe. You waded in it, then you cleaned your eductor with soap in the sink like the manufacturer recommended so the sticky residue wouldn’t clog the unit the next time you used it. And all the while your friend Frankenstein PFAS crept over your body, it got on your hands it was in that drop of water that splashed in your mouth, you carried your gear back to your car. Oh he was their everyday finding his way into your body. And now your body has these chemicals in it. Oh don’t worry they are inert, they don’t react with anything, so the manufacturers told you.
But isn’t that exactly what the problem is? Your body now has a very large synthetic man made compound that it can’t break down. So it is faced with a problem what to do with it. Well it stores some in your fat, it sends some to your liver can you hear the conversation now in your subconscious brain. Hey what is this stuff? I don’t recognize it, hey liver see if you can use this or break it down. How about you kidneys, or hey thyroid it looks like something close to what you use give it a try. Hey lungs throw some oxygen over it see if it goes away. As you continue with exposure the body gets more and more of compound it can’t get rid of. It suddenly recognizes it as a foreign substance an invader that shouldn’t be there because your cells have begun to morph in to cancerous anomalies. Not all at once but slowly over the decades.
I’m fine, this stuff won’t effect me, the chemical companies who charged me a fortune for this said it was safe. You see it’s a crap shoot will you die because of your hazardous lifestyle before the chemical effects begin to take place. Suicide in Slow Motion. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, the truth is the truth. We now see this chemical everywhere:
It’s in our drinking water
It’s in our Rain
It’s in our Ocean
But don’t worry its safe….Suicide in Slow Motion.
Revelation 11:18 …And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
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